Every soul has a story.

What's yours?

What are the 4 COMMON BLOCKS to FINANCIAL FLOW? Learn now in this FREE Training!

Think of your Soul Story as a multi-dimensional Book of You.

It contains all the ways you use energy through your feelings, thoughts, decisions and actions.

Pretty fascinating, right? 

Well, it gets EVEN BETTER!

Your Soul Story contains information on not just your PRESENT and PAST, but your FUTURE POSSIBILITIES too.

Take a moment to imagine how this could turn your experiences into deep learning and wisdom from ALL your experiences? 

Or how about using your new insights for fresh perspectives and solutions that reveal themselves as if by magic when you zap the patterns, beliefs and habits that stop you from ENJOYING A LIFE YOU LOVE COMPLETELY! 

And what if your Soul Story could help you break through the CAP on your POSSIBILTIES and PROSPERITY that impacts what you dream of, freeing you to live on PURPOSE with a SPRING in your step, a TWINKLE in your eyes and a SMILE in your heart?

To get started right away, enjoy immediate access to my brand new training and learn the 4 Common Blocks to Financial Flow so you can:

  • Identify which of the 4 Common Blocks to Financial Flow is affecting you
  • Understand how it CAPS your income, prosperity and joy
  • Make different choices with this new awareness and unlock the potential in your business
  • Ask your question or share your a-ha in my private community space
  • Watch, listen or get on-the-go app to the 6 bite-sized modules

Register  here for your FREE SEAT

Ready to breakthrough your money ceiling CAPPING your INCOME no matter how hard you work or how much time, energy or coaching you invest?

How about working with me one-on-one for a day for crystal-clear channeling and zapping of invisible blocks. 

Your MONEY CEILING BREAKTHROUGH VIP DAY is customised to you, and can include steps to:

  • Create your conscious money compass
  • Cracking your sacred money code
  • Aligning with your 6+ figure timeline

At the end, expect to feel UPLIFTED, LIGHTER and CLEAR about your EXACT NEXT STEPS to elevate your business revenue without working harder!

Just like you, I only have 24 hours a day and space is limited.  To apply, send a note now to [email protected]

We meet via Zoom so you can join me from anywhere in the world.

Get Started in the Akashic Records

Live Immersion September 7-8, 2024

Join me in this live, online certification training to ...


If you're a Conscious Entrepreneur, Light Leader, Modern Mystic, Channel or Healer with a divine sense of urgency to embody your mission, expand your contribution & be fully re-sourced while doing it, apply for PRIVATE MENTORSHIP.

In 1-90 days, you can..

  • Get clear on how and where you’re CAPPING your income so you can 2-5x THIS YEAR

  • Take your business to the NEXT LEVEL of SUCCESS

  • Open to more possibilities, creative solutions & joy in expressing your PURPOSE

  • Embody your SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP ENERGY without apology, and stop dimming your light to fit in which makes it harder for your ideal clients/customers to eagerly say yes to working with you 

  • BREAKTHROUGH the blocks affecting your business growth quickly WITHOUT WORKING HARDER

  • Receive CRYSTAL-CLEAR SUPPORT in sacred space

You understand why there is limited availability for private containers, and I want to make sure this is a good fit for you and me.

To apply or get more details, send a note to [email protected].